DIAS Headquarters, 10 Burlington Road - D04C932 contact@dias.ie 00353 (0) 16140100

Publication Scheme


DIAS has prepared this Publication Scheme in conformity with the Model Publication Scheme made by the Minister for Public Expenditure & Reform under Section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act, 2014.   The Scheme comes into effect on 14 April 2016.

Purpose of the Scheme:

The Scheme is designed to facilitate the provision of information to the greatest extent possible, except for information exempted under the Act, and in preparing, reviewing or revising its Publication Scheme, DIAS gives due regard to the public interest in:

(a) allowing public access to information held by DIAS

(b) the publication of reasons for decisions made by an FOI body; and

(c) publishing information of relevance or interest to the general public in relation to its activities an functions generally.


Scheme Format:

This Scheme is web based and provides links to information under the following six headings which will be updated as provided for under the Act. A hard copy will also be available from the Registrar’s Office:

  1. General information about DIAS
  2. Functions and Public Services provided
  3. Decision Making Procedures
  4. Financial Information
  5. Procurement Procedures
  6. Information Routinely Published and Miscellaneous