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Senior Professor Alan G Jones awarded SFI Investigator Project grant for 4 years

Senior Professor Alan G Jones awarded SFI Investigator Project grant for 4 years

Senior Professor Alan G Jones, Head of the Geophysics Section in the School of Cosmic Physics, has been awarded a Science Foundation Ireland Investigators Programme 2012 Investigator Project grant for four years to study the feasibility of carbon sequestration in Ireland.

The project, entitled “IRECCSEM: Evaluating Ireland’s potential for onshore carbon sequestration and storage using electromagnetics” will use electromagnetic imaging methods to study deep basins in Ireland for their potential to store carbon dioxide over geological time scales. Carbon capture, sequestration and long-term storage (CCS) is a critically important, but intellectually and technologically challenging, bridging technology for assisting humanity to migrate from its dependence on fossil fuels to green energy over the next half century. The funding will bring a Post-Doctoral Fellow and a Ph.D. student to DIAS to work with Jones. Electromagnetic measurements will be made across principally two basins, the Clare Basin and the Northwest Carboniferous Basin during the Summers of 2014 and 2015.