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The 3D inversion test data set

The 3D inversion test data set consists of 100 sites which are equally distributed over an area of about 50 km x 50 km. There are 10 profiles with 10 sites each. The spacing between the sites and also between the profiles is 5 km.

The meaning of the site names is as follows: letters for the profile - A (most northern profile) to J (most southern profile) and numbers for the sites along the profile - 01 (most western site) to 10 (most eastern site). The file ‘sitelocation.txt’ is a list of all the site names and site coordinates.

Each site has its own data file (A01.asc to J10.asc) which contains two header lines (1st: site name, easting and northing; 2nd: header of the data columns) and a data block. The data block consists of 9 columns: 1st column contains the periods in s and is followed by 8 columns - one for each impedance element.

The period range of the data set is 0.56 s to 10 000 s and the expected resistivity range of the structure is 1 Ωm - 1000 Ωm.

The impedance values (in SI units - Ω) are based on the eiωt convention and the assumption that x is pointing North and y is pointing East.

It is your choice how many and which sites and periods you include in your inversion (as it would be for real data).

Download the corrected data set here.

Download the list with site locations here.