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2022-09-12 Michał Marek (Centrum Badań Kosmicznych)

Auroral Kilometric Radiation as a Self-Organized Criticality System

At the seminar I will present the results and conclusions concerning Auroral Kilometric
Radiation of the Earth as a Self-Organized Criticality (SOC) system. Analyzed data comes from
Polish experiment POLRAD and French MEMO, both launched in the frame of the Interball-2
mission (Hanasz et al., [1998]), (Lefeuvre et al., [1998]). 

Basic aim of presentation is to show, that statistical properties of the strong elementary AKR
bursts can be described by the ‘heavy tailed’ powerlaw distribution of the bursts vs. their PSD.
Powerlaw behavior of the distribution tail is typical for SOC systems, in particular AKR
analyzed in my work. Simple, analytical SOC model (Logistic Growth) (Aschwanden et al.,
[1998]) fits well the results of observations.